Day 21: Pomegranate
Hi guys (and gals)! Here are the stragglers from week 5 of Fruit of the Day. I was originally going to include it in the post along with the survey, but I don't want anyone to get confused. Since the last week of March is only 2 days long, I finished up day 15 (grapes) on the first of April.
Day 22: Boysenberry
Boysenberry was a last minute Facebook request, so of course I had to oblige. Did you know that boysenberries are a hybrid between raspberries and blackberries? I surely didn't.
Day 15 makeup: Grapes
In the beginning this seemed like a daunting challenge and was sure I'd run out of fruit to draw. Ha! How wrong I was! March is over and yet I'm still thinking about all the fruit haha. The only fruit on my list that I didn't do was mango...blame boysenberry. Stay tuned for the survey to vote for your favorites!